Oct 28, 2011

Apple donates ALAC under Apache license

Chào các bác,

ALAC viết tắt của Apple *Lossless* Audio Codec, được Apple mở mã cùng với
bộ encoder và decoder dưới Apache license[1]!

Apple cũng công bố khá nhiều sản phẩm của họ dưới dạng open source như
Webkit hay CUPS,
là hệ thống in ấn mặc định trên hầu hết các Linux distros[2].

Apple said NO với Flash vì nó không phải là "mở"[3]
Sau đó, Flash được Adobe công bố định dạng (mở).

Thực ra, một chuẩn codec khác rất tốt, có cách đấy hàng chục năm - WMA
- giải quyết
trade-off giữa chất lượng âm thanh (lossy) và file size rất tốt, nhưng
rất tiếc đây là chuẩn
đóng trong khuôn khổ Windows Media framework, do đó nó chưa bao giờ là
đối thủ của mp3.

Licence là Apache, rất thoáng cho doanh nghiệp, nhưng patent là chuyện khác.
Mong các bác hiểu về patent chỉ giáo.

[1] http://opensource.apple.com/
[2] http://alac.macosforge.org/
[3] http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flash#Format
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio

The Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) is an audio codec developed by
Apple and supported on iPhone, iPad, most iPods, Mac and iTunes. ALAC
is a data compression method which reduces the size of audio files
with no loss of information. A decoded ALAC stream is bit-for-bit
identical to the original uncompressed audio file.

The Apple Lossless Audio Codec project contains the sources for the
ALAC encoder and decoder. Also included is an example command line
utility, called alacconvert, to read and write audio data to/from Core
Audio Format (CAF) and WAVE files. A description of a 'magic cookie'
for use with files based on the ISO base media file format (e.g. MP4
and M4A) is included as well.

The Apple Lossless Audio Codec sources are available under the Apache
license. Details can be found here

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
vuhung16plus{remove}@gmail.dot.com , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16.

Oct 23, 2011




平凡な普通の並の平均的な標準的な(家庭) ・ ありふれた変哲もない日常的な(光景) ・ 型通りの ・ 通り一遍の(あいさつ) ・ パターン通りの(生活)

普通 ・ ただ ・ 一筋縄 ・ 在り来たり

Fwd: RE: [libreoffice-users] LibO 3.4.3 cannot open password protected Word 2010 file

Thank you, Nguyen,

The workaround is to store in Word 97-2003 .doc format and use the weaker security that provides. This is the only case of a password-protected Microsoft Word document that I have seen be readable by OpenOffice and LibreOffice software.

You'll have to experiment to see if your read-only and revision-tracking locks are preserved in that case and, if preserved, whether they are preserved in LibreOffice opening of the document. I expect that these will be dropped or the recipient, even you, might be unable to release those locks because the password verifier used in the ODF format is not derived the same way.

- Dennis E. Hamilton
tools for document interoperability,
dennis.hamilton@acm.org gsm: +1-206-779-9430 @orcmid


I was able to download and open the Aaa.docx file in Word 2010 without difficulty. (The first of 4 words on the single-page document is "Aaa".) I was also able to open the file in Word 2007 too. I was also able to allow editing of the document by using the same password. Oh, and I see change-tracking is enabled. So the fourth word in the document is actually a tracked deletion and not an underlined word in red. Oh, and change-tracking is forced in the document settings. Nice.

This password protection is not part of the OOXML specification as far as I know. It is a separate technique, documented as MS-OFFCRYPTO, by which the entire file is encrypted with a "wrapper" that allows Word to recognize it. The name of the file is unchanged, and Word will recognize the special format and request that the password be provided. This particular form of encryption is unlike anything that is used with ODF documents (although there are discussions to provide something comparable to achieve improved document security).

Word 2007 and Word 2010 use stronger encryption techniques on DOCX files than are supported with DOC files, so that is another reason to try the workaround.

I notice that if I use "Open with" LibreOffice Writer 3.3.2, nothing happens - Writer starts to open and then closes automatically.

If I use "Open with" OpenOffice.org 3.2, the file format is not recognized at all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nguyen Vu Hung
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 05:04
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibO 3.4.3 cannot open password protected Word 2010 file

Ngày 11/10/22 17:16, Frieder viết:
>> Ngày 11/10/22 16:33, Nguyen Vu Hung () viết:
>>> Hello all,
>>> It seems that LibO 3.4.3 cannot open password protected Word 2010 file.
>>> Attached is a Word file saved with Mac Word 2010.
>>> The password for opening and modifying is "123456".
>>> Any ideas?
> Hello
> you can't send attachments to this list.
> Pleas store the document somewhere on the web, and send a Link to this
> list.
> You can use Google-Spreadsheets to store your document on the web, but
> you need a googlemail address for this.
I did not know that.
Here we go: http://www.mediafire.com/?eqc9sh5hc49v6j5


Nguyen Vu Hung