Aug 10, 2012
Học tiếng Nhật: từ PM, ERP và linh tinh
Không nhất thiết phải nói là "vui" (○○に入社することができ、喜びを感じま
す) mà có thể viết cách khác. Khá nhiều mẫu để nói/viết/speech, từ khóa
để search là 入社 ご挨拶
Ban giám hiệu:
- Chức năng, cơ cấu tổ chức (trong tiếng Việt)
- Tiếng Nhật:
Vấn đề khi dịch: Cơ cấu tổ chức, chức năng giữa trường (đại học) ở Nhật
và Việt Nam khác nhau.
Đề xuất: Ban giám hiệu = 総長室 (hay 総長室総括委員会)?
(Xem ví dụ trường Todai)
七夕まつり (たなばた)
老舗 ろうほ
傍 かたえ、 片江 (そば)
焙煎 ばいせん
彷彿 髣髴 ほうふつ
彷彿させる = 思い起こさせる
Mature Asia/Pacific: Japan, Korean, Taiwan, Singapore
Emerging Asia/Pacific: Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia
Greater China: Chỉ mainland China
Sub-Saharan Africa: Phi Châu Hạ
Western Europe:
as chance would have it
by bad luck
in an unlucky hour
分かりかねる = không hiểu = 「理解できません」とか「わかりません」と
(Business Nihongo)
full-blown issues
(Fully developed or matured)
wreak havoc (with something)
to cause a lot of trouble with something; to ruin or damage something.
Ex: Your bad attitude will wreak havoc with my project. The rainy
weather wreaked havoc with our picnic plans.
mitigation strategy 緩和戦略[政策]
tender: đấu thầu
tender call: gọi thầu
foster: Nuôi dưỡng
Appraisal: Sự đánh giá = 評価
dissemination: Phân tán
不整合データ = inconsistent data.
不整合 = "không thích hợp", mâu thuẫn, không tương thích.
superior and subordinate: Cấp trên và cấp dưới
with extraordinary speed
get to market fast with
経費 budget
債権 trái quyền (Trái quyền là quyền đòi nợ, quyền của chủ nợ buộc con
nợ phải trả tiền cho mình. Trái quyền nhân là Trái chủ.)
資産管理 asset maintenance
経理 accounting
債務 trái vụ (Trái vụ là nghĩa vụ của con nợ phải trả tiền cho chủ nợ.
Trái vụ nhân hay Trái vụ giả là người mắc nợ, tức là Trái hộ.)
販売 sell, distribution
調達 procurement
在庫 stock, inventory
人事 human (resource)
給与 salary
Aug 9, 2012
PMP: Tight matrix
A project manager would find team development the most difficult in which form of organization?
- Weak Matrix organization
- Balanced Matrix organization
- Projectized organization
- Tight Matrix organization
Answer: A
Explanation: In a functional organization, the project team members have dual reporting to two bosses - the project manager and the functional manager.
In a weak matrix organization, the power rests with the functional manager.
In a balanced matrix organization, the power is shared between the functional manager and the project manager. A projectized organization is grouped by projects and the project manager has complete control on the project and its team.
A Tight matrix organization refers to co-locating the project team and has nothing to do with a matrix organization.
Therefore, a project manager would find it difficult to drive team development in a weak matrix organization.
-- Best Regards, Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng ) vuhung16plus{remove} , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype: vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16. Nguyễn Vũ Hưng's blog on Free and Open Source: Học tiếng Nhật: Vietnamese LibreOffice: Mozilla & Firefox tiếng Việt: Disclaimer: When posted to social networking groups include, but not limited Linux Users' Groups, Free and Open Sources forums, mailing lists, the above is my personal opinion and is *not* the opinion of my employer(s), associations and/or groups I join.
Management by objectives (MBO): Quản lý theo mục tiêu
Management by objectives (MBO): Quản lý theo mục tiêu:
- Tập trung vào mục tiêu
- Dựa trên lượng tài nguyên có sẵn
- Để nhân viên hiểu rõ mục tiêu mà tổ chức, cá nhân họ cần đạt được
- Đánh giá nhân viên, tổ chức
- Các bước thực hiện
- Đặt mục tiêu
- Lập kế hoạch hành động
- Theo dõi
- Đánh giá hiệu quả
Management by objectives (MBO) is a process of defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they need to do in the organization in order to achieve them.
The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management'.[1]
The essence of MBO is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making. An important part of the MBO is the measurement and the comparison of the employee's actual performance with the standards set. Ideally, when employees themselves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities.
According to George S. Odiorne, the system of management by objectives can be described as a process whereby the superior and subordinate jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.[2]
Các bước thực hiện:
Setting Objectives: Goal-setting or objective setting is a multistage process. It starts with the examining of the current state of affaires, level of efficiency, threats, and opportunities. Then the key result areas are identified, such as product markets, improved services, lowered costs, work simplification, employee motivation, profitability innovation and social responsibility. The performance of these areas is critical for organization in the sense that failure in these areas may result in failure of the organization. And this is why they are known as "key" result areas. Peter says, objectives are important in every area where performance and results directly affect the survival and prosperity of business.
Developing Action Plans: Set objectives must be translated into action plans. It requires assignment of specific responsibilities to different departments, division, and individuals. It also requires allocation of necessary resources needed to perform the assigned responsibilities. Time dimensions are also to be decided in order that targets are reached without any unwarranted delays.
Periodic Review or Monitoring The Progress: After setting objectives and developing action plans, it is necessary to establish a proper monitoring system with a view to regularly keeping the activities. He progress is monitored without day path leading to the ultimate objective. It is ensured that the deviations found, if any, are thoroughly discussed and immediate corrective actions are taken to set them right on the course. Such a regular monitoring and periodic review not only provide feedback which is essential for completion of work in time. But also motivates the managers accountable for performance. Periodic review and monitoring are done at departmental level generally.
Performance appraisal: This is the last phase of MBO program that evaluates performance annually. The annual review or appraisal is comprehensive and is done at the organization level. The actual annual results are evaluated against the set objectives. Such assessment is also used for determining targets for next year, for modification in standards (goals0 if needed, and for taking corrective actions in order to avoid deviations form predetermined objectives.
OPM3 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model
The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3 is a globally recognized best-practice standard for assessing and developing capabilities in Portfolio Management, Program Management, and Project Management. It was published by the Project Management Institute (PMI). OPM3 provides a method for organizations to understand their Organizational Project Management processes and measure their capabilities in preparation for improvement. OPM3 then helps organizations develop the roadmap that the company will follow to improve performance.
As organizations continue to grow in size and scope, they are taking on increasingly complicated projects. However, they have not necessarily made the same advancements in their project management practices. Research shows that project failure rates have actually increased, and that those rates correspond directly to the size of the project.
PMI's Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, or OPM3®, helps you avoid the same fate. As the global best-practice standard for improvement, now in its second edition, OPM3 helps organizations understand their project management processes, ensures that their projects are tied to the organization's larger strategy, and measures and guides their capabilities for improvement.
Use OPM3 to evaluate your organization's project, program and portfolio processes, or add to your project management expertise with certification and training opportunities, and put yourself and your organization on the path to improved performance.

Aug 8, 2012
Systems thinking/Problem solving
Systems thinking is the process of understanding how things influence one another within a whole. In nature, systems thinking examples include ecosystems in which various elements such as air, water, movement, plants, and animals work together to survive or perish. In organizations, systems consist of people, structures, and processes that work together to make an organization healthy or unhealthy.
Systems Thinking has been defined as an approach to problem solving, by viewing "problems" as parts of an overall system, rather than reacting to specific part, outcomes or events and potentially contributing to further development of unintended consequences. Systems thinking is not one thing but a set of habits or practices[2] within a framework that is based on the belief that the component parts of a system can best be understood in the context of relationships with each other and with other systems, rather than in isolation. Systems thinking focuses on cyclical rather than linear cause and effect.
Problem solving is a mental process which is the concluding part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping where problem is defined as a state of desire for the reaching of a definite goal from a present condition that either is not directly moving toward the goal, is far from it or needs more complex logic for finding a missing description of conditions or steps toward the goal.[1]
Aug 7, 2012
Fwd: Faster Firefox Downloads for Everyone
-------- Thư Gốc --------
Tiêu đề: | Faster Firefox Downloads for Everyone |
Ngày: | Mon, 06 Aug 2012 12:32:57 -0600 |
Từ: | Mozilla <> |
Trả lời Tới: | Mozilla <> |
Tới: | <> |
Make-or-integrate decision
- Tự phát triển hay tích hợp một sản phẩm có sẵn
Tình huống:
- Cần một chức năng mới cho hệ thống có sẵn (cho hệ thống Magento).
- Cần lựa chọn giữa hai giải pháp:
- Tự code từ đầu.
Pros: Code extension mới đơn giản
Cons: Khó extend, code do mình viết ra không đẹp
- Mua Magento extension có sẵn, customize và tích hợp
Pros: Có thể dùng một số chức năng có sẵn ngay
Cons: Khó đọc, hiểu, duy trì, extend code cũ
Ví dụ tương tự:
Make-or-buy: Tự làm hay outsource ra ngoài.
Make-or-integrate tương tự make-or-buy nhưng khác ở cách nhìn:
Mua về và tích hợp, cần tùy biến (trong giai đoạn phát triển) chứ không
phải "buy" là outsourse toàn bộ sản phẩm đó cho đơn vị khác.
Aug 6, 2012
What is a "decomposition" technique in PMP?
and more manageable components until the work and deliverables are
defined to the work package level. This is called as decomposition.
Decomposition of project scope generally involves the following activities:
* Gather information on major project deliverables and analyze related tasks
* Start development of work breakdown structure(WBS) at the highest level
* Decompose the upper WBS levels into lower level detailed components
* Identify each work package & WBS components with unique code, and
* Verify if the degree of decomposition of the work is necessary and
* No. of Levels of WBS need not be same for all deliverables
But excessive decomposition may lead to more work without much value for
the time spent. It can also leads to inefficient use of resources, and
decreased work efficiency. So, knowing few basics about work package
helps us in deciding the level of decomposition. Few of them are:
* Work package is the lowest level of WBS
* Usually, a work package is the quantum of work which is assigned to a
single resource as a whole and produces a verifiable outcome
* Project's cost and schedule estimation is done at work package level
* The accuracy of these estimations depends on the level of detailed
work package that is defined
* The level to which work packages need to be detailed vary from project
to project
In Time Management, each work package within the WBS is decomposed into
the activities required to produce the work package deliverables.
What is a "progressive elaboration"
"Continuously improving and detailing a plan as more detailed and
specific information and more accurate estimates become available as the
project progresses, and thereby producing more accurate and complete
plans that result from the successive iterations of the planning process."
Projects may be temporary endeavors but they cannot be conceived in a
day and for sure cannot be executed/completed in a day (unless you
define going to the grocery store as a project)
Usually there is a concept first and then a broad vision for the end
product, i.e., the outcome or result of the project.
The clearer vision you have of the unique product that you want from the
project, the more accurate the project plan will be. So, you move toward
the final project plan in incremental steps as the ideas about the final
product are refined and as you get more and more information about the
requirements in a progressive fashion. This procedure of defining (or
planning) a project is called progressive elaboration.
Aug 5, 2012
Windows 7 Pro Tiếng Việt
- Dịch lỗi
- Từ chuyên môn không/chưa thống nhất, xa lạ với người dùng
- Tỉ lệ dịch đạt khoảng 90%
- Có lỗi encoding
- Có lỗi font chuẩn biến thành VIQR
- Không thân thiện với người dùng
Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
vuhung16plus{remove} , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16.
Nguyễn Vũ Hưng's blog on Free and Open Source:
Học tiếng Nhật:
Vietnamese LibreOffice:
Mozilla & Firefox tiếng Việt:
Disclaimer: When posted to social networking groups include, but not limited Linux Users' Groups,
Free and Open Sources forums, mailing lists, the above is my personal opinion and is *not*
the opinion of my employer(s), associations and/or groups I join.