EVM là một khái niệm liên quan mật thiết tới PMP và OPM3.
Earned value management (EVM), or Earned value project/performance management (EVPM) is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress in an objective manner.
Because EVM has the ability to combine measurements of :
and cost,
in a single integrated system, Earned Value Management is able to provide accurate forecasts of project performance problems, which is an important contribution for project management.

cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earned_value_management
cf. http://nguyen-vu-hung.blogspot.com/2012/05/earned-value-as-indicator-to-current.html
cf. http://nguyen-vu-hung.blogspot.com/2012/05/yeu-cau-oi-voi-mot-team-lead-tl-du-phat.html
-- Best Regards, Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] (in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng, グェン ヒュン ウー, 阮武興) vuhung16plus{remove}@gmail.dot.com , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype: vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16. http://www.facebook.com/nguyenvuhung Nguyễn Vũ Hưng's blog on Free and Open Source: http://nguyenvuhungvietnam.wordpress.com/ Học tiếng Nhật: http://hoc-tiengnhat.blogspot.com/ Vietnamese LibreOffice: http://libo-vi.blogspot.com/ Mozilla & Firefox tiếng Việt: http://mozilla-vi.blogspot.com/ Disclaimer: When posted to social networking groups include, but not limited Linux Users' Groups, Free and Open Sources forums, mailing lists, the above is my personal opinion and is *not* the opinion of my employer(s), associations and/or groups I join.