Aug 9, 2012

OPM3 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model

Khi quy mô trở nên lớn hơn, việc quản lý không thể chỉ dùng ở mức "dự án", mà còn cần xem xét ở mức độ quản lý portfolio (của nhiề dự án), quản lý một chương trình (program) trong một portfolio (mục tiêu) cụ thể.

The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3 is a globally recognized best-practice standard for assessing and developing capabilities in Portfolio Management, Program Management, and Project Management. It was published by the Project Management Institute (PMI). OPM3 provides a method for organizations to understand their Organizational Project Management processes and measure their capabilities in preparation for improvement. OPM3 then helps organizations develop the roadmap that the company will follow to improve performance.

As organizations continue to grow in size and scope, they are taking on increasingly complicated projects. However, they have not necessarily made the same advancements in their project management practices. Research shows that project failure rates have actually increased, and that those rates correspond directly to the size of the project.

PMI's Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, or OPM3®, helps you avoid the same fate. As the global best-practice standard for improvement, now in its second edition, OPM3 helps organizations understand their project management processes, ensures that their projects are tied to the organization's larger strategy, and measures and guides their capabilities for improvement.

Use OPM3 to evaluate your organization's project, program and portfolio processes, or add to your project management expertise with certification and training opportunities, and put yourself and your organization on the path to improved performance.


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