Feb 17, 2011

Redmine Tips - Do your Issue Statuses help or hurt your workflow?

The statuses depend on the development processes that we are working on.
And I imitate the following statuses (specified for the  cases of bug tracking)
cf. https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=fields.html#status

Statuses for other development processes are as simple as you wrote;
The default statuses on Redmine/ProjectChilly are fine to me.

IMO, I think we should mention statuses + trackers + roles as a combination
when speaking to development processes.

By the way, please recommend me a good book on Redmine.

(2011/02/17 0:30), Eric Davis wrote:
Do your Issue Statuses help or hurt your workflow?
Issue Statuses are used in Redmine to create a workflow for issues. In an optimized
setup, the issues will move through the different statuses as they are worked on. 
The Issue Statuses I use for Little Stream Software have been optimized to be as 
simple as possible for single person business but also communicate where the issue 
is at to my clients.

    * Proposed - Someone has an idea for some work but isn't sure about it yet.
    * New/Approved - Both my client and I like the idea and agree on the budgets.
    * In Progress - I'm actively working on the issue.
    * Resolved - I've finished the issue and am waiting for client to sign off 
      on it. (i.e. ready to be tested).
    * Closed - My client agrees the work is complete.

I also use two issue statuses for when exceptions occur:

    * Declined - one of us decides the issue isn't needed but we want to document 
       the conversation (instead of deleting the issue).
    * Feedback - someone has a question about the issue that prevents us from 
       working on it

This same workflow works for my Open Source plugins but in that case I act as the 
client and project manager.
What issue statuses do you use? What have you found helpful?


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